Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friendship, Friendship

Throughout my journey with CMV friendships have been everything. Being 65 I have many friends ..old and new and all different. Different is the key word as friends contribute to our lives in different ways.  One of my best friends is a great phone person and not a day goes by without a call..not a visit but a call. Another friend calls for a visit and brings something freshly baked. I have great email and Facebook friends..and one that loves to watch American Idol and Dancing With the Stars that would bring her wine and watch it with me while my husband was away.  One of my busier friends sent me a box of See's Chocolate. What a better tonic than Chocolate!!! Now that I have needed my friends so much, it makes me so much more aware of friendship and how can I can become a better friend even with my limitations.  Not having energy is still the challenge to reach out but Facebook is a great way so many days.  I have become a better note writer and one of the new things is taking the anniversaies listed in our church bulletin of our older members and sending an anniversary card. So many of my church friends have sent me cards and this is a fun way to say thank you and remember their lives. Think about your friends. How can you reach out today to one of them?

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